Monday, August 30, 2010

National Day's Birthday cake- 20kg jumbo

National day jumbo cake weigh 20kg and need 4 pax to carry( of cos, worried it will smashed so 4 pax is safer..
Many parents and student and also include our Staffs took photo with this Jumbo cake. This was the first time they seen such a big cake. Well, taking pics is nice, eating it is nice too. But cutting it is NOT NICE!! I had backache and my chef helped me to cut it as well. It feed about 600 pax.
Big Cutting Project!!

Yummy food in Batan - I Hotel

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Francis lazily on the couch at the lobby while waiting for Wadi to arrive. Wadi- our friend's wife, a local.

The coffee at the resturant- Cinnmon - served with a cookie, not bad for a late night drink.

Mee Soto- I order for myself cos i just missed something soupy. This is just nice for me. I love the soup and the egg. But just alittle salty for my bud..
The view from our hotel room 612. Facing the swimming pool. Will return to this hotel cos it has good location, a sauna,  a steam , gym, live band lounge and near to the shopping mall. Of course the spa there is more pricy then the ones near to the shopping mall. We love to go to the sap in front of the Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall- Everyday. Good service and cheap. We had 2 hours body massage which cost one of us about SGD$19.00
We tried another one called ESKA(sometime like rr) Price slightly more expensive but have more choice which include hairdressing, manicure.pericure,body massages and facial. Will try their facial another time. Overall, not that bad. :)

Centre piece -Fruit 2


           干蚝5 只
            大黄豆芽 20条

做法:煮2公升水至滚,放入干蚝,干贝,江鱼仔和红萝卜, 煮20分钟。加入豆腐,新鲜白菇,大黄豆芽,再煮15分钟。加入适量盐和酱油调味。

豆腐:含贴,镁,对骨骼和牙齿生长有帮助, 镁可保护心肌适合冠心病患者使用。





Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Centre Piece for my VIP lunch today

Well, I just tried my luck today and it turns out well. And it was welcome and impressed the guests today. Instead of the regular flower piece that my staffs displayed, i changed it to a basket of fresh fruit surrounded by Cinnamon and star anise. Of cos, it was a last minute change so it wasnt prepare in advance. This include tomato(red), oranage( of cos, orange color!) , apple( pale red), and black grapes and green grapes( eaten by my guests) ..LOL.. It was a pretty centre piece and was after lunch dessert!!

I will check on more on other type of centre piece instead of regular flowers.. kinda boring....