Friday, January 22, 2010

Baked apricot with lavender honey, served with greek yoghurt and muesli

6 fresh apricots
150g honey
50g lavender tea
120g plain greek yoghurt
50g Muesli( toasted)


1. Cut fresh apricots into halves, remove seeds.
2. Mix honey and lavender tea will well combined.
3. Place Apricot halves on baking tray. drizzle lavender honey onto apricot.
4. Bake in oven at 180 deg for 12 mins.
5. Remove from oven and cool.
6. Place baked apricot on plate, drizzle with natural juices( the juices from the baking tray).
7. Top apricots with greek yoghurt, sprinkle with muesli and serve.

Cooking tips:
- Serve low fat plain yoghurt ice cream instead of Greek yoghurt.

Poached turkey breast with shitake mushroom, potato, carrot in coriander and lime broth

160g Turkey breast
500ml Chicken stock
40g Shitake Mushroom
80 Potato(local)
50g Carrot
20g Coriander (fresh)
5g lime leaves
5g salt
3g pepper
40ml fish sauce

1. Diced Mushroom, potato and carrot.
2. Bring Chicken stock to a boil. Reduce heat add in turkey breast, potato, mushroom, carrot and simmer for about 8 mintues.
3. Add in chopped coriander and lime leaves.
4. Season the dish with fish sauce, salt and pepper.
5. Serve turkey breast with the vegetables in coriander and lime broth in a soup plate.

Cooking tips:
- Poaching chicken meat is a healthier cooking methods.
- Do not overcook the meat as it will affect the texture.
- When handlinh meats, always remove skin to reduce excess fat.

Salad of tuna, dried cranberry, almond flakes and balsamic dressing

100g Mesclun greens
60g fresh tuna
20g Dried Cranberries
20g Almond flakes
8 Cherry tomatoes
40ml Balsamic Vineger
20ml Olive oil
5g salt
3g pepper
2g sugar

1. Season tuna with salt and pepper, sear tuna over high heat, till nicely brown on the outside( 10s on each side), Slice Nicely.
2. Whisk balsamic vineger, olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper in a bowl to make dressing.
3. Toss Mesclun greens with dressing, add in cherry tomatoes, toasted almond flakes and dried cranberries.
4. Place sliced tuna on top of tossed salad.

* Cooking tips
- When searing tuna, make sure not to overcook it, as it will affect the texture of the fish.
- Always choose olive oil which is healthier then normal cooking oil as it is more beneficial to the heart.

Chestnut Soup

3 tbsp Olive oil
150g white Onions
100g celery
700g Chicken Stock
350g Chestnut
5g Salt
5g Pepper
120 ml Cream

1. Blanch chestnut by Immersing them in water and boil for 2  minutes. Cool slightly and remove skin.
2. sautee onion and celery with Olive oil over medlium heat until soft.
3. Add Chestnut and chicken stock, bring to boil.
4. Reduce to low heat, cover and simmer for about 30mins, till chestnut break up easily when pressed against the side of the pan.
5. Blend soup with electric beater till smooth when chestnut are well-cooked.
6. Re-boil blended soup, stir in cream and adjust seasonings.

* Cooking tips:
 choice cream that is low is fat or replace it using low fat milk.