Friday, January 22, 2010

Chestnut Soup

3 tbsp Olive oil
150g white Onions
100g celery
700g Chicken Stock
350g Chestnut
5g Salt
5g Pepper
120 ml Cream

1. Blanch chestnut by Immersing them in water and boil for 2  minutes. Cool slightly and remove skin.
2. sautee onion and celery with Olive oil over medlium heat until soft.
3. Add Chestnut and chicken stock, bring to boil.
4. Reduce to low heat, cover and simmer for about 30mins, till chestnut break up easily when pressed against the side of the pan.
5. Blend soup with electric beater till smooth when chestnut are well-cooked.
6. Re-boil blended soup, stir in cream and adjust seasonings.

* Cooking tips:
 choice cream that is low is fat or replace it using low fat milk.

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