Friday, January 22, 2010

Poached turkey breast with shitake mushroom, potato, carrot in coriander and lime broth

160g Turkey breast
500ml Chicken stock
40g Shitake Mushroom
80 Potato(local)
50g Carrot
20g Coriander (fresh)
5g lime leaves
5g salt
3g pepper
40ml fish sauce

1. Diced Mushroom, potato and carrot.
2. Bring Chicken stock to a boil. Reduce heat add in turkey breast, potato, mushroom, carrot and simmer for about 8 mintues.
3. Add in chopped coriander and lime leaves.
4. Season the dish with fish sauce, salt and pepper.
5. Serve turkey breast with the vegetables in coriander and lime broth in a soup plate.

Cooking tips:
- Poaching chicken meat is a healthier cooking methods.
- Do not overcook the meat as it will affect the texture.
- When handlinh meats, always remove skin to reduce excess fat.

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