Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kitchen tips - 2 - Save the water resource

Here are some great dishwashing ways to help saving on time, effort and even dishwashing liquid.
* Alway seperate glasses, cup. mug and non-oily utensils and those oily untensil such as pan, plate, bowls, wok.

* Soak dirty dishes in hot water and little soap. This will scrape off the food remains easily which means less work in scrubbing.

* After soaking, start with the least dirty dishes first and the dirtiest dishes last. This gives the most soiled dishes more soaking time which will help in removing the food remains easier.

* Never waste water by letting it run while washing or rinsing dishes. Fill a sink or dishpan with hot water instead. And rnise clean a group of dishes instead of just one dish in it.

* Put on rubber gloves to help you better tolerate the hot water and harmful chemical effects of dishwashing liquid.

* Don't overuse dishwashing soap. Using more will cause you also use and waste more water.

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