Friday, September 9, 2011

Easy guide on Kitchen rescue

Lemon Juice ~~ Its Citric acid has mild bleaching and anti-bacterial properties. To polish copper or brassware, add a little juice with salt and wipe off with a dry cloth. To clean coffee or tea stains, soak the mugs in a mixture of lemon juice and water. Leave for half an hour before rinsing.

Baking Soda~~ To banish bad smells, sprinkle a generous amount into kitchen non before pitting in a new bag. To eliminate carpet odours, sprinkle onto the carpet, leave for a few hours and then vacuum.Also mix one part of baking soda with four part of water to clean the bathtub, sink and shower area.

Malt Vinegar~~ De-scale your kettle by pouring in a litre of vinger and leaving it for about 2 hours to dissolve the limescale. Mix with three parts of water to make a windows cleaning solution. Apple onto the windows with scrunched up newspapper and wipe clean with a clean,dry cloth.

Tea Tree Oil ~~ add a few drops of tea tree oil to water and spray onto mouldy bathroom surfaces or areas prone to mildew. The oil's fungicidal properties kill mould spores. To revive musty-smelling rugs, add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of watrer and use as a spray.

Olive oil ~~ Pour a small amt onto a soft dust cloth and use it to polish wooden furniture. Apply it on stickers on glass or plastic surfaces, then gently scrub off with an abrasive sponge.

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