Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to stock the Chinese kitchen Cabinet

Our Forefathers relied o the earth to cure illness and diseases using plants to treat ailments. The ancient healing system of Chinese herbal medicine originated more than 4000 years ago. Traditional herbs are commonly used to clear "heat" and regulate qi, or the body's life-force energy. If qi is imbalanced, you may be more susceptible to illness. Following Chinese Philosophy, yin represents the cold and feminine, while the yang is warm, active and masculine. This ties in with the concept of "heatiess"(yang) and "coolness"(yin)" in our body.

Chicken Gizzard lining ~ helps reduce food stagnation and improves digestive functions. It is common;y used to treat all forms of food stagnation, loss of appetite in children and stones in the kidney and gall bladder.

Raw Crushed Garlic~~ contains allicn, whoose natural antibiotic and funficide proporties help prevent colds and flu. It is also highly regarded as a natural antioxidant, and helps prevent ageing.

Bamboo Shavings~~ are cooling and influence the gall bladder, lung and stomach channels. They are widely used to helps treat thick yellowish sputum. chest tightness and bad breath.

Ginseng ~~ has long been hailed as a tonic and life preserver. It helps you regulate blood sugar, resist fatigue and enhance the immune system.

Chrysanthemum~ has a cooling efect and helps dispels wind and clears the eyes.It is commonly used to treat dizziness, excessive tearing , blurry vision and headaches.

Young Chinese rose~ helps activate your qi. Not only does it treat irregular menstrual flow, menstrual pain and breast tenderness, it also helps against a poor appetite, belching and abdominal pain.

Cloves~ warms your whole body and activate blood circulation, especially in your lower back. They are also used to treat vomiting, diarrdoea, loss of appetite and impotence.

Ginger~~ is said to aid digestion and warm the circulation to the limbs. It can also counter nausea and aid in the treatment of coughs and the commom cold.

Longan fruits~ help to calm the spirit, nourish the blood and strengthen the spleen. Dried, this fruit helps to treat palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness and worrisome tendencies.

Chinese dates supports your body's  qi, nourishes your blood and helps treat fatigue and emotional instability.

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