Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Dinner tonight- 6th Dec 2009

Ok, Another lazy dinner. I guess alot of people would be feeling the same- Monday blue kinda mood.
So I cooked simple, ate and quickly log online and TV, etc..

Menu: Sliced fish Bee Hoon Soup- meals in 10 mins- quick and easy.


Sliced fish- I used Red Snapper- Sliced and bought from Supermarket
Some garlic- Minced
Sliced Fishcake - 1 pcs
Chye Sim - few stalks
salt n pepper to taste
1 packet seasoning powder- I keep the CP's wantons seasoning powder

Soak Bee Hoon in water to soften it. Heat a wok and sauteed the garlic till golden brown. Add in Fish cake, stir and pour in stock or plain water. Add in bee Hoon when it start to boil. Throw in sliced fish. And add seasoning powder if you are not using stock. Add in vegetables, salt and pepper to taste.

You can sprinkle some spring onion before eating.

There are many ways to cook Bee Hoon, Noodle and rice. Just add and remove some ingredients. You may also want to add in carrot, even Dumpling.

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