Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spinach, Tofu and salmon chick soup

Chicken Stock- 2 litres
Chinese Spinach- 1cups chopped
Salmon fillet diced- 120gm
Bacon  1 rasher
Silken Tofu 1 pcs
Cornstarch water 1 1/2 tbsp
Egg Whites 2 pcs
Chicken Stock Powder 1 tsp
Salt  and pepper to taste

Boil Stock with Bacon and simmer for 10 mins, add in spinach and boil for 1 mins. Remove spinach, put into blender with 2-3 ladleful of stock. Blender to until smooth, then pour back to pot. Add tofu and salmon, boil for 3 mins. Add stock powder, salt, pepper and cornflour mixture. Boil and simmer till soup has thicken slightly. Turn off the heat. Pour in the egg white slowly to make the white" flowery" in the soup. Don't worry, the heat of the soup will cooked the whites.

NB: YOu can replace salmon with chicken, other types of fish and seafood. If you don't like tofu, you can skip and you may want to replace it with croutons when serving.

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