Monday, December 7, 2009

Something for cough.

Well, I hear coughing here and there, especially my bro-in-law was also coughing and was bad. So i did a quick research and found this simple recipe which is meant for "Cooling' and stop cough.

North Apricot  南杏 26 gm
South Apricot  北杏 - 11 gm
Preserved Sweet mandarin 桔饼 - 1 pcs
Firtillary 川贝母-  8 gm
Dried Lily 百合- 19gm

Wash all ingredients and put in a pot. Pour 2-3 bowl of water. Cook with mid-high flame. Turn to low flame when it started to boil. Cook till left with 3/4 bowl of water.

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