Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dinner tonight....for lazy cooker and min. washing..

OK...I admit Im a lazy person. I don't really like to cook and clear up, wash up when it is my working day. But somehow sometimes, i don't wish to eat out. And when we cook, we are going to cook health. So i have this so call " one pot cooking". It sound crazy and it almost impossible right. Well, i have this own way cooking for my dinner and it is kind of healthy, light and tasty. Please remember to use Tuna chunks in Olive oil.

It's ..hmm.... i call it One pot Seafood Spaghetti.. Haha..

Here's the ingredient i used:

  • Angel hair Spaghetti one handful
  • Crab meat-frozen - few pcs
  • Sweet Corn- frozen - 2-3 tsp
  • onion - one chopped
  • Tuna In Olive oil - 1/2 can

Cook spaghetti as indicated. When it is almost cook, throw in crab meat and wait for 2-3 mins and throw in sweet corn. Once boiled and pour thru the sieve with onion in it. The hot water will flush away the pungunt smell of the onion yet retain the good properties of onion.  Drain all water. Dish up and pour in the Tuna with olive. Add some salt( usually i skip) and black pepper. Toss and enjoy!

This meal is easy as ABC and we have a pot, a sieve, a plate, a fork n spoon to wash.
Have fun! There's more to come.

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