Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cream of Asparagus

Ingredient:Fish Stock - 1 litre
Shallot - 100gm
Garlic - 30gm
Butter - 50gm
Salt - to taste
Asparagus dices 250gm
Cream -150gm

For Decorative purpose:
Whole crayfish
Poached Quail egg
Home dried tomatoes


Sauteed Shallot and half  cut garlic in butter on a slow fire in a thick bottomed pan until translucent,now add the aspsargus to it and cook for another 10-20 mins. Season it with Salt.
add the crayfish stock to it and let it stimmer, cook the asparagus through, add cream to it and boil.
Use a hand blender to blend, Check the seasoning again and strain with fine sieve.
Blanc the whole live crayfish -tail in boiling water for 3 mins. Refresh shell out and cool it down, cut into medalluion, use 2 medallions per potion.
Serve with crayfish and top with dried tomatoes and egg.

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