Friday, February 5, 2010

Norwegian Salmon Cutlet Grilled with Rosemary & Carameliazed Lemon

4 pcs Salmon Fillet
Fresh Rosemary(bruised)- 1 sprig
Virgin Olive oil 30ml
sea salt 1 tsp
freshly ground black pepper to taste
mesclun salad 100gm
extra virgin olive oil- 20ml

Caramelized lemon
butter- 1 tsp
lemon- halved 2 pcs

Marinade salmon with rosemary , olive oil, sea salt and black pepper in a bowl for 20mins. Remove rose,ary and grill the 2 cm thick salmon for 1 min on each side. Set aside for 3-5 mins before serving.

Make caramelized lemon. Rub butter over halved lemons, grill flesh side down till caramelized for about 2 mins.

Place Grilled Salmon onto centre of the serving plate. Garnish with caramelized lemon. Drizzle olive oil over the mesclun salad before serving.

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