Monday, March 29, 2010

Easy recipe - Steamed Salmon in Orange Juice

Well, I saw this cooking and the recipe on afc. And man!, It was so easy and yummy!
I can simply remember the steps and the ingredient just one watch and i didn't even jot it down.

Here's the ingredient:
2-3 cups of orange
1 chopped onion
some capers
pepper and salt to taste

Bring all the above the a boil and slip in the salmon. Cover and lower the heat to middle for another 2-3 minutes.
Well, you can also served in a mini pot with cover like what it has been done in the show.

Here's the link to the it.

The paper collector..: Flaxseed: Banana date flaxseed bread

The paper collector..: Flaxseed: Banana date flaxseed bread

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Flaxseed: Banana date flaxseed bread

Makes one 8 x 4 inch loaf

1/2 ground flaxseeds*
3 banana, mashed
1/4 cup vegetables oil
1/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup whole flaxseed
1/2 cup chopped pitted dates

1. Pre-heat oven to 180deg.Lightly grease an 8 x 4 inch pan.
2. In a large mixing bowl, beat together banana, oilm sugar and eggs.
3. Ina seperate bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda,salt ground flaxseed and whole flaxseed. Gradually stir flour mixture into banana mixture.Fold in dates.Spoon batter into prepared loaf pan.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 55-60mins or until a toothpick inserted into the loaf comes out clean.

* Use an electric coffee grinder, food processor or blender to grind flaxseeds.

Hair tonic- Simplest soup

Wolfberry - 15 gm
Black beans - 30gm
Lean meat- 100gm
Water - 1litre

Wash all ingredient and put in claypot. Pour in water and stimmer for 1 hr.
Add salt to taste. Serve.

Good for kidney, nourish the blood.Blacken the hair.

About Flaxseed

Flaxseed may be tiny, but it is big on health and nutrition.It ranks high on the list of "must-have" foods because it is rich in Omega- 3 fatty acids, healthy fats that have anti-flammatory properties, proteins,fibre and lignans (phytoestrogens that helps to protect against certain types of cancer). In addtion, flaxseed contains vitamins B1. B2, B6, B9 C and E, carotene, iron, zinc and trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosporous, calcium, manganese and folate.

Boasting as many nutrients, it is not surprising then that flaxseed is highly beneficial to the body. Flaxseed promotes cardiovascular health, counters inflammation associated with lupus and gout, prevents certain types of cancer, treats some immune disorders, stabiliese blood sugar levels, promotes healthy skin, protects the digestive tract, helps with weight control and provided relisf from constipation.

Slightly larger than a sesame seed, flaxseed has a hard shell that is smooth and shiny.The color range from dark yellow to reddiesh brown depending on the variety. There are no nutritional differences between the two.

Use Flaxseed in grounded form for easy disgestion. To grind flaxseed, use a coffee grinder.

1. Add flaxseed to salad, bread dough and cookie or pancake mix for warm and earthy nutty flavour.
2. Ground flaxseed go well with cereals, yoghurt, cottage cheese, juices, smoothies and soup.
3. Flaxseed can substitute egg or fat in recipes. To replace one egg, mix one ground flaxseed with three tablespoon of water and let the mixture sit for two mintues before using it.. The finishing product maybe chewier.

Flaxseed oil, the result of cold pressing flaxseed, is also a good source o f Omega-3 fatty acid, although it doesn't have fibre, lignans and protein found in seed. As Flaxseed oil is highly unsaturated, it is very prone to oxidation unless it is stored correctly.Buy only refrigerated flaxseed oil stored in dark container. Keep them in the refrigerator with the lid on tight, minimise exposure to heat, light and air, and consume them within a few weeks of opening.Never heat or cook flaxseed oil, and add it to foods like salad, soups or smoothies just before serving.Taking flaxseed oil with high quality protein such as yoghurt or milk helps to enhance the oil's digestion and absorption by the body.

Like and fibrous food, flaxseed can upset your digestion if you consume too much, too quickly. Taking one tablespoon if flaxseed oil will provide enough essential fatty acids for the body.Drink plenty of water when consuming flaxseed.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chilli bean eggplant and minced pork


2 oriental eggplant
2 tbsp cooking oil
2tbsp bottled chilli bean sauce
1 tbsp crushed garlic
200g minced pork
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp Chinese black vinegar
3/4 cup chicken stock
2tsp cornstarch, dissolved in water
2 spring onions, chopped
1 red chilli

Cut thr eggplants into halves lengthwise and then cut each half into thick sticks.
Steam the eggplant until tender, for 8 minutes.Set aside.
Heat the oil ina  deep frying pan or wok until it starts to simmer.
Add the garlic and fry till fragrant.
Add the pork, lightsoy sauce, chilli bean sauce and stir-fry until the pork is browned.
Add the chicken stock, vineger and eggplant and toss with more soy sauce or salt.
Mix Cornstach with water and stir in until the mixture thickens.
Add the spring onion and chilli and fry for another minutes.
Serve with steamed white rice.

Mild on its own yet flovoursome when cooked- Brinjal

The eggplant goes by many names; Brinjal, aubergine, egg apple, Guinea squash, or garden egg. The name "eggplant" itself developed in the US, Auatralia, New Zealand and Canada because the fruit of some 18th century European cultivars were yellowor white and resemble goose or hen eggs.

The British refers to it as "aubergine", which was dervied from the French, who in turn derived it from the Catalan "alberginia" In India and South Africa, the fruit is called 'brinjal', which is often the name it is referred to in our local markets.

All Cooked up
This spongy, mild-tasting vegetables is meaty yet low in calories.Unlike most fruit, it is never eaten raw but lends itself well to many cooking methods like grillling, baking, sauteing or braising. Like a sponge, the eggplant soaks up any liquid it is immersed in and some unwitting cooks have found themselves with a soggy mound of incredibly oily eggplant.To avoid this, when frying or sauteing eggplant, be sure to steam them first so that they are already moist and don't need too much oil to turn soft. Similarly, when grilling, simply brush olive over your eggplant slice and griled. The oil si quickly absorbed but is enough to soften the eggplant ar the cooking time progressess.

When choosing eggplants, look for those that are firm and shiny and with unbroken skin. Male eggplant tend to have fewer seeds and so are less bitter than female eggplant- but this is all but indiscernible. Still, to completely eradicate any bitterness , you can cut your eggplant according to your recipe and sprinkle some salt over them. Leave them to rest for about 12-20 minutes and drain the water that is released. Some chefs say that this process also helps to prevent the eggplant from abosrbing too much liquid or oil when cooking.

There are numerous types of eggplants, all of which require a warm climate to thrive. The best-known variety is the purple eggplant which is relatively long and fat. The longer variety of eggplant, in a slightly lighter shade of purple(more common in wet market) are referred to oriental eggplant, while the smaller, slightly streaked eggplant are called apple eggplant, These are commonly used in Thai and Indian dishes.

Tips: To determine the sex of an eggplant, look at the indentation at the bottom. If it is deep and shaped like  dash, it is a female. If it is shallow and round, it's male.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Seafood Zest- Grilled Prawns with papaya-flavoured sweet potato, thai asparagus amd fruit salsa

Ingredient - Serves 4
 8 pcs of king prawns- wash and de-vein the prawns, leaving the tail, season with sea salt and pepper.
16pcs of Thai asparagus
100ml of olive oil

for the flavoured sweet potato:
160gm sweet potatoes, cubed
80gm papaya
30ml fresh orange juice
10ml fresh lemon juice

for the seasoning:
sea salt
black pepper, crushed

for the fruit salsa:
120ml tomato coulis
40g fresh tomatoes
20g fresh red chilli
40g avocados
40g fresh mango
30g shallots
10g coriander

for garnishing:
fresh chervil

Heat the pan and add 2 tsp of olive oil and grill the prawn for about 6-7 mins.
To make the flavoured potatoes. Add the sweet potato cubes in a pot of boiling water to boil for abt 20mins. Mix the boiled sweet potatoes with papaya., lemon juice and orange juice.
Put the Thai asparagus in apot of boiling water and boil for 2 mins.
To make the fruit salsa: cut the tomatoes, chillies, avocados, mangoes , shallots and coriander. Mix the ingredient with tomato coulis and olive oil.
Pour the fruit salsa over the prawn and the side of the plate. Garnish and serve.

Recipes from Stamford Catering - Patrick Tang