Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Seafood Zest- Grilled Prawns with papaya-flavoured sweet potato, thai asparagus amd fruit salsa

Ingredient - Serves 4
 8 pcs of king prawns- wash and de-vein the prawns, leaving the tail, season with sea salt and pepper.
16pcs of Thai asparagus
100ml of olive oil

for the flavoured sweet potato:
160gm sweet potatoes, cubed
80gm papaya
30ml fresh orange juice
10ml fresh lemon juice

for the seasoning:
sea salt
black pepper, crushed

for the fruit salsa:
120ml tomato coulis
40g fresh tomatoes
20g fresh red chilli
40g avocados
40g fresh mango
30g shallots
10g coriander

for garnishing:
fresh chervil

Heat the pan and add 2 tsp of olive oil and grill the prawn for about 6-7 mins.
To make the flavoured potatoes. Add the sweet potato cubes in a pot of boiling water to boil for abt 20mins. Mix the boiled sweet potatoes with papaya., lemon juice and orange juice.
Put the Thai asparagus in apot of boiling water and boil for 2 mins.
To make the fruit salsa: cut the tomatoes, chillies, avocados, mangoes , shallots and coriander. Mix the ingredient with tomato coulis and olive oil.
Pour the fruit salsa over the prawn and the side of the plate. Garnish and serve.

Recipes from Stamford Catering - Patrick Tang

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