Monday, November 14, 2011

Flavour Enhancers

Used to make pickles, reduce bitterness and add tang to sauces, vinegars are a versatile addition to any pantry.

* Balsamic vinegar
 - This dark brown vinegar is made from whote Trebbiano grapes grown in Modena, Italy.Prized for its distinct and aromatic flavour, it is ideal for marinades and drizzling over grilled meat and seafood.

* Red wine vinegar
- This is amde from matured red wine, and has a strong and rich flavour. It is often used in French cooking, particularly in vinaigrettes, marinades, stews and sauces.

* White wine
- This moderately tangy vinegar is also used in French cooking. It is great for making vinaigrette, mayonnaise, Bearnaise sauce and marinades.

* Malt Vinegar
- Obtained from malted barley, this is usually served with fish and chips, and used to make pickles and chutneys.

* Cider
- This fruity gold vineger os made feom fermented apples. It is ideal for chutneys, pickles, and dishes with apples and marinades.

* Xeres
- Also called Sherry vinegar, Xeres is a Spanish version of balsamic vinegar. Rich and smooth, it is usually added to sauces, stews amd marinades.

* Raspberry
- This pinkness vinegar has a light and fruity flavour that is ideal for salad dressings.

* Rice vineger
- Popular in Asian cooking, this vinegar has a mild and sweer taste and is less acidic than western vinegars.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brewer's delight

Appreciate the purity of Asian Teas and drink them unsweetened.

Iron Goddess of mercy (Tie guan yin) - This is premium variety Oolong tea mainly produced in China_Fujian province. When brewed, the rolled tea leaves releases a frangrant floral aroma and sweer after taste.

Osmanthus Tea ( gui hua cha) ~ This tea is combined of dried yellow osmanthus flowers and black or green tea leaves. The flowers lend a sweet fragrance to the tea.

Roasted Barley tea  - Known as Korean as bori cha, or in Japan as Mugicha, this tea has a pleasant, roasted and mildly bitter flavours.It is usually served cold.

Corn tea ~ Known as oksusu cha in Korean, this grain tea is made from roasted corn kernels.As it has a sweet taste, it is usually combined with roasted barley tea for a balance of flavours.

Dragon well ( long jin cha) ~ The leaves in this high quality green tea from Hangzhou, China are pan-fried to stop the fermentation process. When brewwd, they produce a yellow-green color, pleasant aroma and rich taste.

Jasmine tea ( Mo li hua cha) This tea makes use of delicate white jasmine flowers to perfume green tea or Oolong tea tea base.

Oolong (wu long cha) ` This tea is partially fermented and dried. Taste wise, oolong has green tea's delicacy and black tea's depth.

Japanese Green tea( Sencha) ~ Like other green tea, this one is also unfermented.The leaves are simply allow to wither and dry. It is a fresh, delicate and grassy and is pale grren in color.

Household tips

Easy Slide ~~ Wooden drawers tend to become stiff and creak over time. Worse, they sometimes get stuck. The solution? Lubricate the runners with soap or candle wax. If your drawers have metal slides, use a little spray oil.

Wipe out Burnt smells
~ Overcooked a meal again? Remove all the traces of burnt smells in the kitchen with the skin of orange. Simply place the skin in a shallow saucepan filled with water and simmer. Your kitchen will be filled with such a refreshing aroma that your family wont even know you just had a cooking disaster.

Recipe ~ Tuna and Potato Croquttes

Prep - 25 mins      Cook- 10 mins     makes 8 pcs

Ingredient :
4 large russet potatoes
2 tbsps oil
2 medium sized onions
4 cloves
250g tuna- drained
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 thsp curry powder
salt & pepper to taste
2 large egg, lightly beaten
2 cups breadcrumbs- to coat
1 cup white sesames seeds
1 cup oil for deep frying

Boil the potato. When soft, remove skin and mash.
Heat the oil in a pan over medium fire. Stir-fry onion and garlic. Add tuna. chili powder, curry powder and salt/pepper. Mix in mashed potato.
Roll the tuna misture inti patties.Dip each patty into the beaten egg and coat breadcrumb and sesame seeds.
Heat Oil in a wok over medium fire.When hot, deep-fry them till golden. Drain them on paper towel.

Serve hot.

Easy guide on Kitchen rescue

Lemon Juice ~~ Its Citric acid has mild bleaching and anti-bacterial properties. To polish copper or brassware, add a little juice with salt and wipe off with a dry cloth. To clean coffee or tea stains, soak the mugs in a mixture of lemon juice and water. Leave for half an hour before rinsing.

Baking Soda~~ To banish bad smells, sprinkle a generous amount into kitchen non before pitting in a new bag. To eliminate carpet odours, sprinkle onto the carpet, leave for a few hours and then vacuum.Also mix one part of baking soda with four part of water to clean the bathtub, sink and shower area.

Malt Vinegar~~ De-scale your kettle by pouring in a litre of vinger and leaving it for about 2 hours to dissolve the limescale. Mix with three parts of water to make a windows cleaning solution. Apple onto the windows with scrunched up newspapper and wipe clean with a clean,dry cloth.

Tea Tree Oil ~~ add a few drops of tea tree oil to water and spray onto mouldy bathroom surfaces or areas prone to mildew. The oil's fungicidal properties kill mould spores. To revive musty-smelling rugs, add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of watrer and use as a spray.

Olive oil ~~ Pour a small amt onto a soft dust cloth and use it to polish wooden furniture. Apply it on stickers on glass or plastic surfaces, then gently scrub off with an abrasive sponge.

Perfect Pasta


Shaped  Pasta ~ The twirly Fusilli, with its grooves, is ideal for baked dishes and salads as it wont sink. Chunks aslo "hold on" to the grooves, so this pasta is best with thick sauces like the matriciana, which is made with tomato, bacon and onion. To keep its shape, cook it al dente. The butterfly-shaped farfalle is suitable for decorative salads and simple kid's dishes.

Tubular Pasta/Penne
Tubular Pasta ~ The classic recipe for Cannelloni tubes is to stuf them with chooped spinach and ricotta, and then bake in the oven with tomato sauce and Parmesan on top. The narrower penne is great for baking, and ideal with meat sauce or a thick sauce like puttanesca, which is a tomato sauce wit olives, capers and anchovies.

Spaghetti/Angel hair
 Strand Pasta ~ One of the most versatile, spaghetti goes well with Bolognese, vongole or carbonara. The finer angel hair is good for pesto and light oil- baesd sauces.


Ribbon Pasta ~ The ribbons of fettucine cling well to creamy sauces. Due to its thickness, ribbon pasta goes well with meaty sauces and meatballs. To show off the colored variety, serve it with a pale oil-based sauce.

Stuffed Pasta ~ Ravioli and tortellini are best eaten with a butter based oil and Parmesan sauce. Strong fillings can be tones down with a light tomato sauce.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to stock the Chinese kitchen Cabinet

Our Forefathers relied o the earth to cure illness and diseases using plants to treat ailments. The ancient healing system of Chinese herbal medicine originated more than 4000 years ago. Traditional herbs are commonly used to clear "heat" and regulate qi, or the body's life-force energy. If qi is imbalanced, you may be more susceptible to illness. Following Chinese Philosophy, yin represents the cold and feminine, while the yang is warm, active and masculine. This ties in with the concept of "heatiess"(yang) and "coolness"(yin)" in our body.

Chicken Gizzard lining ~ helps reduce food stagnation and improves digestive functions. It is common;y used to treat all forms of food stagnation, loss of appetite in children and stones in the kidney and gall bladder.

Raw Crushed Garlic~~ contains allicn, whoose natural antibiotic and funficide proporties help prevent colds and flu. It is also highly regarded as a natural antioxidant, and helps prevent ageing.

Bamboo Shavings~~ are cooling and influence the gall bladder, lung and stomach channels. They are widely used to helps treat thick yellowish sputum. chest tightness and bad breath.

Ginseng ~~ has long been hailed as a tonic and life preserver. It helps you regulate blood sugar, resist fatigue and enhance the immune system.

Chrysanthemum~ has a cooling efect and helps dispels wind and clears the eyes.It is commonly used to treat dizziness, excessive tearing , blurry vision and headaches.

Young Chinese rose~ helps activate your qi. Not only does it treat irregular menstrual flow, menstrual pain and breast tenderness, it also helps against a poor appetite, belching and abdominal pain.

Cloves~ warms your whole body and activate blood circulation, especially in your lower back. They are also used to treat vomiting, diarrdoea, loss of appetite and impotence.

Ginger~~ is said to aid digestion and warm the circulation to the limbs. It can also counter nausea and aid in the treatment of coughs and the commom cold.

Longan fruits~ help to calm the spirit, nourish the blood and strengthen the spleen. Dried, this fruit helps to treat palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness and worrisome tendencies.

Chinese dates supports your body's  qi, nourishes your blood and helps treat fatigue and emotional instability.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chicken In Sour Cream

Prep - 15mins Cooks - 55 mins Serves 4

1.4kg Chicken thighs
2tbsp plain flour
50gm butter
2 tbsp oil
2 large onions, peeled & sliced
pinch of salt and pepper
2 tbsp brandy
125gm button mushrooms, sliced
150ml sour cream,plus extra to garnish
coriander to garnish

1. Par dry chicken and coat with flour
2. Heat Butter and oil over medium fire. Stir fry onions, remove half and set aside. Add chicken to the pan and brown for 2 mins. Season with salt & pepper. Cook for 40 mins.
3. Pour Brandy, add mushroom and the remaining stir fried onions. Turn fire to low and cook for 5 mins.
4. Stir in sour cream and cook for 5 mins. Do not boil.
5. Spoon all onions onto a serving plate. Put chicken on top. Add sour cream and sprinkle with coriander.