Friday, July 6, 2012

My weekend trip to "garden by the bay"

It was my hubby whom suggested to go "garden by the bay"- the newly opened garden at Marina South. The Spot where we usually go when we were dating. We went to check it out and well, it seems quite differnt but the feeling is there and we were in love again- just like before. We walk around the Garden and Holy-God, It was so huge and we couldn't  cover it all after walking for 4 hours. It was about 4 pm and we left at almost 8pm for dinner.

The view of MBS and one of the super tree.

the trees along the lake
The entrance of the Garden with MBS at the back

The "cow" and its brother "bull"

Me in black with super trees
The hanging bridge connecting the super trees


Stones in the chinese theme garden

Swinging bench at the Malay Theme Garden

somewhere in the garden- Lost!!

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