Monday, November 12, 2012

The side effect of eating prawns!!

I had some sensitive issue with seafood recently. And i just simply can't resist the charm of Prawn Noodle. OKies, i got what i deserve for being greedy. Now, im itch all over the body including my face, ears etc.... Now, im "disfigured". I think it would take some times for the wound to recover and the swell to lessen over some time. Yes, i took some OTC medicine prescribed by the pharmacist in Malaysia. "Oh yes,I went MY for my dinner and shopping. That's how i can endure the itchness.

So, im gonna keep my mouth shut to PRAWNS & SOTONGS!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

taking a beather in my office taking a breather..well...i am after a busy morning. It seems that im more positive and optimism nowadays. Yesterday, i went for my regular check for the status of my ovaries. YES! i have two eggs again- one each side. It is always disappointing when im not pregnant. But the least, im still trying.

Dear Hubby voiced out that day that he was afraid that he and baby will become a burden to me. I know where he came from. He is already 52 this year. And to groom/feed a child need at least 21 years and by the time, our baby is 21 he will be ......52+21 .... wah!! 73 year old!! OMG....
No wonder he is worry..

Not saying that i am not worry but we could make plans now and save up some money for the future. I am worried that i will be alone when im old. I am not worried about hardship of bring my own kids. I am such a person that im so afraid of being alone. Sometimes, i am lonely and depressed especially when dear is out to work. Im always alone at home. I know he loves me alot but sometimes i just wish to have more of his accompany.

well, at least for now, im not pregnant and i never know when i will..but even so, we still have to makes plans for the rainy days.

It feels good not working and writing blog in my office to sort out my thoughts and its so peaceful today. And now im waiting for dear to pick me from work. :))))))))

Monday, September 10, 2012

my pregnancy journey month 2

Today is my second month with Dr. Cheng. After last month's scan which show i had two eggs,
-one side each ended up with zero pregnancy. Now,I am so happy to have two eggs on my left ovary. I was also given an injection to release my egg and will have to sexercise tonight and tomorrow so to "catch the egg". 

All the while, i was worried that i wasn't ovulating regulary. Or might have some problem in me. But now,after two scans and i am reacting to the medicine doctor gave. Im sure we will have our own bundle of joy soon.
This week also marks my long holiday of 3 month. I was abit sianz to return to work. I think i could be a very carefree housewife. But it was kind of boring too neither i wish to be back to work. It is always conflict with all sort of things...just like cross junction. Nevertheless, i still need to work out something. I will monitor and see if i really can cope with both work-stress and trying-to-conceive stress.

It seem suddenly, i started to write things about myself, something personal. I think writing inspired me more positive thought although im not really a writer. (hope those whom came across my blog understand what im writing.) Also it gave me a freedom to voice my inner feeling which i think i wouldn't tell anyone else. It not that im shy or what ..but it just kind of weird to tell people- Hey, I went to gynae today, had a scan and i have two eggs! Hahaaha....Perhaps it is why Chinese are often shy away from sex-related topic.

You know, i have been trying to conceive for almost 12 years! 5-6 years for nature -unprotected sex. 1-2 years- half serious attitude, 1-2 years almost serious attitude, Now, 1-2 tears super serious attitude. I have tried Eu RenSeng at Paragon with Xia Rong and stopped when i had Chicken pox and she has to go back to China. Hence, i stopped for a while.

This year, tried with a Chinese Phyiscan at AMK for few months and went for Scan, pap Smear etc. Necessary checks. At least, im confident at I am healthy. But HB wise, haiz, spearm test result was abit of weird. He has a condition - Hypersperm.....? Which doc said, he had very,very concentrated sperms but very gel. Which he thinks it caused to sperm stucked just in the small "pool" and not able to swim well.

Hope for the best after medication.

Wish me best of luck!! keep me in your prayers! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Good to know tips - Kiwi fruits

**When buying the gold and green kiwifruits, pikc those that are slightly soft to touh, as you would when select a peach or ripe mango.

** To ripen kiwifruits, put them in a paper bag with apples and bananas. Both apples and banana produce a natural gas- ethylene- which helps to ripen fruits.

**For a quick brust of energy, grab some kiwi and whip up a smoothie. It's a super energy drink for growing adolescent and hungry kids. They also will help keep coughs and colds at bay.

"Sore" Loser

Are your muslces sore from the kickboxing class you joined? According to reserach, Vitamin C - found in high concentrations in citcus fruits, berries and broccoli- helps lessen post-workout pain. It appears the antioxidant inhibits the processess(like the bulid up of free radicals) that cause soreness.

Friday, July 6, 2012

My weekend trip to "garden by the bay"

It was my hubby whom suggested to go "garden by the bay"- the newly opened garden at Marina South. The Spot where we usually go when we were dating. We went to check it out and well, it seems quite differnt but the feeling is there and we were in love again- just like before. We walk around the Garden and Holy-God, It was so huge and we couldn't  cover it all after walking for 4 hours. It was about 4 pm and we left at almost 8pm for dinner.

The view of MBS and one of the super tree.

the trees along the lake
The entrance of the Garden with MBS at the back

The "cow" and its brother "bull"

Me in black with super trees
The hanging bridge connecting the super trees


Stones in the chinese theme garden

Swinging bench at the Malay Theme Garden

somewhere in the garden- Lost!!

10 things to give up by the time you're 30

1. Blaming your parents for all your problems.

2. Feeling uppity for calling people over 40 by their first name.

3. Serving chili every time more than one person comes over for dinner.

4. Letting your dad take care of your money.

5. Hating her because she's beautiful.

6. Saving all your love for Johnny Depp.

7. Getting bent out of shape when you have to share he credit at work.

8. Sleeping with the men whose last name you don't even want to know.

9. Thinking for even one second that you could lose 30 pounds in 30 days.

10. Believing that just one person can't do anything to make the world a better place.

Keep clothes 100% moth-free

How is it that you can store a perfectly in one piece sweater in the closet in April and have it be fuill of holes six months later? Those rat-bastards moths, that's how. Keep cashmere-craving critters at bay-without smelling like Great-aunt Gertie-with these tips:

First, clean your clothes before you store them. Moths flock to stains, not to the wool itself. Second, stock up on herbs: lavender, rosemary, thyme and cloves are natural pest repellents. Wrap leaves in sachet or handkerchief and store near sweaters.

How to stock your wine pantry

Sauvignon blanc:This crisp and dry white pairs with fish,light chicken dishes,salad and even fruity desserts. Our pick: Carey cellars sauvignon blanc 2000

Pinot noir: A red that works with grilled chicken breasts yet still stands up to lasagna? Perfect! Our pick: andrew's hopr pinotage 2000

Shiraz: This intense, more full bodied red is just right fit with game, roasts and duck. Our pick: Red dawn high.wood Shiraz 1999