Monday, December 7, 2009

Meat free stock

Meat-Free stock

I had read an article before. It was saying that some people don't eat beef, mutton or lamb because they are too cute to be eaten. Yes, I am one of them. I do not eat beef, lamb or mutton. So it would be difficult to see these recipe in my blog. But i still cook for my hubby. He likes mutton especially Rendang Mutton. I will keep that for future. Cos now i have just tried a meat free stock for those vegetarian. Sometimes, i cook noodle just with the meat free stock and add some vegetables.There are so many version of this stocks. There's no fix rules. Just put whatever u have in your kitchen.Have fun!

Vegetarian Stocks
2-3 bulb of onion- i like onion so usually i use 3-4. - peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 Carrot - diced
1/2 Radish- diced
1/2 Chinese cabbage - roughly chopped
10 stalks of dried mushroom- washed and soaked. Retain the soaked water.Retain the mushroom stalks
Celery - 1-2 stalks - diced
Water 2 litres
Sesame oil
White pepper and salt to taste

Pour a little olive oil n pot. Throw in the onion, Sauteed it till light golden brown. Add in carrot, celery, radish,mushrom,mushroom stalks, chinese cabbage then water and the water that you used to soak mushrooms. Wait till it start to boil, put in the chinese cabbage. Turn down the flame when it start boiling. Stimmer for 15- 20 mins. Sieve and discard the vegetables.

You may taste and add the salt and pepper to taste. I usually have the sesame after i cooked with the noodle.

You can opt out the olive oil and put all ingredient except for salt, pepper and sesame oil for a healthier version.

Something for cough.

Well, I hear coughing here and there, especially my bro-in-law was also coughing and was bad. So i did a quick research and found this simple recipe which is meant for "Cooling' and stop cough.

North Apricot  南杏 26 gm
South Apricot  北杏 - 11 gm
Preserved Sweet mandarin 桔饼 - 1 pcs
Firtillary 川贝母-  8 gm
Dried Lily 百合- 19gm

Wash all ingredients and put in a pot. Pour 2-3 bowl of water. Cook with mid-high flame. Turn to low flame when it started to boil. Cook till left with 3/4 bowl of water.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Dinner tonight- 6th Dec 2009

Ok, Another lazy dinner. I guess alot of people would be feeling the same- Monday blue kinda mood.
So I cooked simple, ate and quickly log online and TV, etc..

Menu: Sliced fish Bee Hoon Soup- meals in 10 mins- quick and easy.


Sliced fish- I used Red Snapper- Sliced and bought from Supermarket
Some garlic- Minced
Sliced Fishcake - 1 pcs
Chye Sim - few stalks
salt n pepper to taste
1 packet seasoning powder- I keep the CP's wantons seasoning powder

Soak Bee Hoon in water to soften it. Heat a wok and sauteed the garlic till golden brown. Add in Fish cake, stir and pour in stock or plain water. Add in bee Hoon when it start to boil. Throw in sliced fish. And add seasoning powder if you are not using stock. Add in vegetables, salt and pepper to taste.

You can sprinkle some spring onion before eating.

There are many ways to cook Bee Hoon, Noodle and rice. Just add and remove some ingredients. You may also want to add in carrot, even Dumpling.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dinner tonight....for lazy cooker and min. washing..

OK...I admit Im a lazy person. I don't really like to cook and clear up, wash up when it is my working day. But somehow sometimes, i don't wish to eat out. And when we cook, we are going to cook health. So i have this so call " one pot cooking". It sound crazy and it almost impossible right. Well, i have this own way cooking for my dinner and it is kind of healthy, light and tasty. Please remember to use Tuna chunks in Olive oil.

It's ..hmm.... i call it One pot Seafood Spaghetti.. Haha..

Here's the ingredient i used:

  • Angel hair Spaghetti one handful
  • Crab meat-frozen - few pcs
  • Sweet Corn- frozen - 2-3 tsp
  • onion - one chopped
  • Tuna In Olive oil - 1/2 can

Cook spaghetti as indicated. When it is almost cook, throw in crab meat and wait for 2-3 mins and throw in sweet corn. Once boiled and pour thru the sieve with onion in it. The hot water will flush away the pungunt smell of the onion yet retain the good properties of onion.  Drain all water. Dish up and pour in the Tuna with olive. Add some salt( usually i skip) and black pepper. Toss and enjoy!

This meal is easy as ABC and we have a pot, a sieve, a plate, a fork n spoon to wash.
Have fun! There's more to come.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spinach, Tofu and salmon chick soup

Chicken Stock- 2 litres
Chinese Spinach- 1cups chopped
Salmon fillet diced- 120gm
Bacon  1 rasher
Silken Tofu 1 pcs
Cornstarch water 1 1/2 tbsp
Egg Whites 2 pcs
Chicken Stock Powder 1 tsp
Salt  and pepper to taste

Boil Stock with Bacon and simmer for 10 mins, add in spinach and boil for 1 mins. Remove spinach, put into blender with 2-3 ladleful of stock. Blender to until smooth, then pour back to pot. Add tofu and salmon, boil for 3 mins. Add stock powder, salt, pepper and cornflour mixture. Boil and simmer till soup has thicken slightly. Turn off the heat. Pour in the egg white slowly to make the white" flowery" in the soup. Don't worry, the heat of the soup will cooked the whites.

NB: YOu can replace salmon with chicken, other types of fish and seafood. If you don't like tofu, you can skip and you may want to replace it with croutons when serving.