Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fusion Cusine- Malay/ Western - Chicken 'Bergedil'

Potatoes- Baked and Mashed - 200g
Vegetable oil - 15ml
Garlic Chopped - 5g
Shallots- chopped - 20g
Leek - Chopped Finely - 20g
Minced Chicken -100g
Nutmeg powder -11/2 tsp
Egg Beaten - 2pc
Salt & pepper to taste

1. Heat the vegetable oil and sauted garlic., shallot and leek over medium heat for 2 mins. Stir constantly. Add in the minced chicken and saute for another 5 mins. Set aside. in a bowl, combine the mixture with mashed potato. Season with salt, nutmeg and pepper. Shape the mixture into round shape. Dip each patty into the egg and fry on each side till golden brown.

Or :

you may want to dip into egg then roll on breadcrumb for addtional flavors. Then deep fried it for about 2-3 mins.

Cream of Asparagus

Ingredient:Fish Stock - 1 litre
Shallot - 100gm
Garlic - 30gm
Butter - 50gm
Salt - to taste
Asparagus dices 250gm
Cream -150gm

For Decorative purpose:
Whole crayfish
Poached Quail egg
Home dried tomatoes


Sauteed Shallot and half  cut garlic in butter on a slow fire in a thick bottomed pan until translucent,now add the aspsargus to it and cook for another 10-20 mins. Season it with Salt.
add the crayfish stock to it and let it stimmer, cook the asparagus through, add cream to it and boil.
Use a hand blender to blend, Check the seasoning again and strain with fine sieve.
Blanc the whole live crayfish -tail in boiling water for 3 mins. Refresh shell out and cool it down, cut into medalluion, use 2 medallions per potion.
Serve with crayfish and top with dried tomatoes and egg.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pan Seared Codfish with Dry Scallop and wolfberry sauce


Codfish fillet- 120gm
garlic- 30gm
Red Onion - 30 gm
Dried Scallop- 30gm
wolfberry - 10gm
Abalone mushroom- 80gm
Chicken Stock - adequate
Cooking oil - 100ml
oyster sauce- 1 1/2 tsp
Light Soya Sauce- 1/2 tsp
Dark Soya Sauce- few drops
Chinese wine- 1tsp
Salt to taste
pepper to taste

Season codfish with salt and pepper. Heat saucepan with cooking oil, pan sear codfish on both sides till it turns golden brown. Fry Garlic, red onion, dry scallop and wokfberry till fragnant, Add oyster sauce, light soya sauce, dark soya sauce, Chicken stock and chinese wine, let it reduce for 10mins. Suateed abalone mushrooms and golden mushroom with chopped garlic , season with salt and pepper.Serve.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Norwegian Salmon Cutlet Grilled with Rosemary & Carameliazed Lemon

4 pcs Salmon Fillet
Fresh Rosemary(bruised)- 1 sprig
Virgin Olive oil 30ml
sea salt 1 tsp
freshly ground black pepper to taste
mesclun salad 100gm
extra virgin olive oil- 20ml

Caramelized lemon
butter- 1 tsp
lemon- halved 2 pcs

Marinade salmon with rosemary , olive oil, sea salt and black pepper in a bowl for 20mins. Remove rose,ary and grill the 2 cm thick salmon for 1 min on each side. Set aside for 3-5 mins before serving.

Make caramelized lemon. Rub butter over halved lemons, grill flesh side down till caramelized for about 2 mins.

Place Grilled Salmon onto centre of the serving plate. Garnish with caramelized lemon. Drizzle olive oil over the mesclun salad before serving.