Saturday, June 12, 2010

Learning cooking..part 1

After working some many years in catering line, I have turn to a noob cooker. After doing menu planning with chefs, i have learnt not only Chinese cuisine, Indian but more....Or i can say fusion cuisine.. I often mix n match some basic ingredient and wow...the result seem pretty good.. LOL...

Well, back to the topic, basic cooking- steaming, stir-fried, sauteing, baking, poaching etc...need a certain level of skills, of course, it need alot of practise. My chef told the first basic thing in working in a kitchen is to learn how to cut. They have been learning to chop, cut, mincing and often cut by knife. Ouch!..Yes, before they even can touch the wok! And often they have to be kitchen helper for few years before they are taught the basic cooking. It is tough work!

And often, people don't think well about working in kitchen- often as a "dirty" job,"No standard" kinda of job. But God damn it!, It a holy respectful job, alright? Think! Who cooks when u really need food? They are responsible for people whom aren't able to cook for himself. And often, Chinese cuisine is always appearing to be lowest standard compare to other cuisine. Usually, Chinese cuisine as to put everything into one wok and serve all mixed together!!

But does it occur that even though the ingredients are mixed up but they are having that particular taste/smell that short of one ingredient might not be the same.Its the chemistry between the basic ingredient. And that applies to most of the cuisine - Thai, Indian, Nonya, Cantonese and of course Korean, Japanese as well.

Not just have to master the basic cooking, one successful dish need to have the basic four element- attitude, smell, taste and color(visual). Not only it need to be palatable and way of presentation means alot too.Demand is getting more.

As for as I know, I have been creating more strange recipe(my own) for my own self to try. I wouldn't dare to share yet. But I have cooked at home and my only consumer will be my darling- Francis. Poor man! LOL..

However, he is very supportive and he is a well verse in cooking too. I will start studying on basic ingredient first. Look out for more on each ingredient, Cya!! b

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