Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Days at new Outlet- First week

I had been asked to assist in a School Outlet as the station manager was fired due to some issues. It was a totally change for me. I has been in catering line - factories staffs' cafeteria while now is a boarding school canteen. The changes was huge and i need some time to adapt to the environment.The staffs were new to me and they were out of discipline. Some of the staffs are sad and wanting to quit. I can say- its really in a mess. And I have to clear the "shit".

The first few days was a torture- have to get up by 3am, reach work at 4am...or work till to home by 10pm..bath, play with my dog...that was about 12midnight when i lazed down on bed. Have to brainstorm and settled all kind of issues- clients, stuffs and my the "old" outlet. My customers there kept asking when I can return back. 

And still then, I have juggle my personal investment with a ex-colleague. But I have back out as we had a argument. And i don't like the way he treat his wife. Someone told be a Baba usually are harsh on their wives but they do love them from heart. But sorry to say, if i ever to be the wife, i think i will got crazy. Nowadays, where got women like to be shouted and ordered around. So i was very pissed off. I really got so angry and i told him off. It is a public place and yet he behaved like that. Of cos, it is still their family matter and i should not interfere but however, it is business and they should not make a scene.

haiz... what a life i have.. Dunno whether is good for me to transfer to another outlet or stick to the current routine? Personally, i dun like changes especially clear "shit" for others.

I was oriented on the first and second day. I was on my own from third day onward. I have to find my way around and sort out all stuffs. :( Staffs are not friend and wanting to quit. Had pacify them and did some adjustment for their salaries. Well, things are more or less stable but still two staffs had decided to resign due to other reasons. Now, it is tough to find staffs to replace their position.

I was so stress that I didn't ate well, slept well neither had a good time every evening with my dear. We quarrelled many times due the change of my job scope and time. My dear told me to quit and he would give me $30.00 per day to support me. He doesn't need me to suffer just for that few penny.
LOL.... so sweet- My dear!

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