Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Days at new Outlet- Third week

wow...Times flies.I have been there for coming 3rd week. And thing seem to be more settle down. The clients there seems to like me as well. The staffs also behaved quite well except for 3 dish washer. Alot of discipline act need to follow up and to be very strict on them.

On the 25th May, the day where i first coordination for A sit-down western dinner for 500pax. I was so worried as its been a long time that i have coordinate one. And my clients seem to used to it, gave me the details rather late.So everythings seem to be in a rush. Especially on loan of equipment and logistic. I was surprise that there were so many manpower that came over to support me. I was so glad. That made me relief! Phewww!

The event went very smooth, no hiccups, no complaint. Just received some feedback that they prefer the hot dishes to be hot while cold dishes to be cold. LOL... yeah, think about it- its for 500 pax...not a simple task!

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