Friday, June 4, 2010

My Holiday Trip to Sabah, Malaysia

Actually, I wanted to post the photos long before. But I was too tied up with work and business. Hence i was too tired to come online. Well, i had redrawed out from the business that I had invested. This let me to have more time at home doing something i always want to. And also to concentrate on my work. There's room to grow. Even though, my dear had asked me to quit if I really feel too tired.

Let's cut short! Here's the pics.;)

I always want to go a natural country,with natural view, trails , sea etc.....  This is the first time we travel to a "mountain" country. LOL...we had great fun..BTW, it is the first time we swam with jelly fish. OK, i was afraid cos always tot that jellyfish is dangerous. :P well..that's not true. OK? i was told by the scuba master at the seaside. Thus, we went to the beach and snorkelled..My dear came on land with itchiness all over the body.Luckily, the people pour vinegar over his body which neutrelize it. Overall it was fun.

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