Saturday, June 12, 2010

Today's menu for dinner

My darling have to work while im at home surfing net and watching TV. He like to eat when he gets home and will heat up the food again.

So when he is at work, i was thinking what im suppose to cook so by the time or any time when he gets home, there's hot dinner ready.

So, i tried to cook- Cabbage rice. This was my favourite rice when i was kid, Both my brother and I will fight over who is going for more. Usually, my mum will cook addition more for this dish. She knows we won't have enough. LOL....

It's easy too.

1 head cabbage
2 cups of rice- rinsed
150gm chicken-diced
1/2 cup of chopped carrot
5-8 pcs of garlic- minced
5-7 pcs of prawn
500ml of chicken stock
some dried shrimp(washed)
some dried mushroom( soak and chopped)

1. Wash and rinse rice. Place in rice cooker. Fill it only half volume of the necessary water for cooking rice.(Half of the normal volume of cooking rice).
2. Set aside. Heat wok and add oil. Stir fried the garlic, dried shrimp, mushroom till slightly brown, put in diced chicken, carrot.  Add in cabbage. Stir fried for awhile till it soften, Add pinch of salt and some chicken stock.( you can choose to all water, but add more salt to taste.) Let it stimmer alittle- it don't need to be full cooked coz u goin to put it in the rice cooker to cook again. Once done, throw in the prawn.
3. Scope and transfer it to the rice cooker. Layer the cabbage on top of the rice. DO NO STIR IN!.. very important!
4. Add chicken stock.( have to take note if it has too much liquid, you won't want the rice to turn soggy or even into porridge)
5. Press the button for cooking rice. It will be ready when the button jump up.
6. Season with pepper and serve with some spring onion.

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