Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Photos of my short getaway to Indonesia - Batam- Nagoya

Hey, Im back for a 3 days getaway to a nearby little island which is 35 minuntes from Singapore. It wasn't that funtastic but it was definately a good break from work. This time round we had a local friend bringing us around.

We planned to leave to leave earlier cos i was working and there wasn't much things on Sunday. And furthermore, we have not booked the tickets hence we can leave anytime. We drove motorbike to Harbourfront to take ferry to Ngoya- Harbour bay. It is cheaper to park your vechile at Seah Im carpark, was told car rate was $4 per day.

The first night, we spend the night at a cheapand simple hotel. Nothing much to mention, But i will share with you my meals. It was rather cheap. i didn't took pics cos we had the dinner with another two guys whom we didn't know. But we had steamed Blue crabs, Bullfrog in Kong bao Style, Deep fried chicken, brinjal in chili, Deep fried Pomfet and Butter Crayfish. The location is at Komp. Bukit Mas Nagoya Batam, Kepulauan Riau Indonesia - A1 Food centre. Just opposite the Billard Centre. The seafood were reasonable. I cant say it is cheap(of cos it was la) but I cant said cos different people different value stardard. Hhahaha...

After that meal, it was almost 12mid-night and we got back to our local, simple hotel. We couldn't fall asleep and we chatted till it was almost 1.30am. My hubby then asked me if i want to eat anything. Cos his friend told him that the maggie mee was very nice. I tot what??!! I took leave to enjoy not come here to eat maggi mee!!. He told me to give it a try. OK then! He went out and packed two pack and one packet of deep fried chicken.

I took a mouthful with doubts but to my surprise, it taste good! No doubt it is maggie mee but it was so fragrant. Luckily, my smart darling packed two pack if not not enough.. Hahha...
He also pack deep fried chicken.. i guess why we love the chicken so much. I believe the chicken is free-range chicken. It is tender and does not have thick skin with fats. Its simply finger-licking good!

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