Monday, June 7, 2010

My Birthday....

OK...Im gettin one year old...N maybe a year wiser? LOL....Times seems to flies too fast where some precious moments cant be captured. Now i think back....what i had done for the past one year? ...................................................................

arh......... leh... My life has been working, sleeping, eating, travelling....etc...seems very common just like anyone of us right here in Singapore.. It's just few mins to my birthday..and of cos,there are some bday wishes... what im wishing for this year is to have a healthy baby.. I have been trying and trying..but in vain...

Anyone can advise? LOL....of cos not, the "bed" part... We know how, alright? Thanks.. LOL... Just tell me how to improve the chances to to eat......anything ...just drop on my comment...

Thanks for being around even tot i do not know u.  Perhaps we can get to know each other :) Cheers!!

Wish me a happy bday!

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