Monday, June 7, 2010

Thing i learn today...

Things i learnt is that do not trust anyone so easily. Perhaps it is regarding about work or any other issue. I had entrusted a coordination work for a major event at my new outlet. I was disappointed that my colleague actually didn't inform me about the shortage of soup bowl set. My expected guests was about 500pax. But the set which has arrived was only 300++. I didn't realized that till the day we were serving the mushroom. My chef then told me that bowl was not enough!!..

Luckily, the turned up guest didn't hit 400...Phew!! i was damn luckily. And thanks to all my colleagues whom they came over to help me after their outlet has ease their operation.  It was my first and major event in my new outlet. Mine first major event was few years back and that was to MoXXXX CEO.

So the lesson that I had learnt is not to totally trust anyone in the world...perhaps maybe 70%.....
U know some ppl just simply cant be trustful.... I have cheated many times...and always believe that if i dun harm ppl, ppl wont harm you. Very Naive right? In the working society , ppl is out to neglect feeling just to climb to the top. Just like my this colleague, he can be apple-polishing to my bosses. And we knew that he is just an empty vessel.

Of course, for my case, I can't totally blame. I should have check thru all the equipment for stuffs that I had for my event. So i learnt from my lesson.  Thanks to you! I have gain more knowledge in this society.

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