Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The blog of mine

Im so glad that i have created a blog for myself. Well, im sorry to say: i shall "dump" all my memory here. This blog is gonna be my note book of one such, my part of my memory, part of my life too. I had too much paper notes and menu and i need to key into one so i can easy 'file' them and 'easy' to sort out. Guess this is gonna be a good idea! And i guess it would be nice to share around.

Well, any vistors, thank you for visiting. Some of the posting mayb not be related to food. I mayb also post information about health, beauty and other health information. I, myself, is a Certified Therapist by ITEC from UK. I'm also trained in Swedish Massage and Aromatherapy. I read alot and makes alot of notes on paper and i have problem referring back. :( hence the birth of this blog and best of all~ it's free. LOL..

Good day!

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