Saturday, November 21, 2009

Herbs and plants 1

Alfafa: (Medicago Sativa)- Alfafa is a good laxative and natural diuretic. It is often used to reduce urinary tract infections and promoto lowel movement. Reputed to be an excellent appetite stimulant and overall tonic.

Aloe Vera: ( Aloe ferox,A.barbadensis)- Internally, concentrated Aloe ferox resin is ised as a laxaive. Externally, the clear gel drom the A.Barbadensis leaf, is used to treat burns, abrasions, skin injures, and in cosmetic products and drinks.

Astragalus: (Astragalus membranaccous)- Used in traditional Chinese and Esat Indian medicine for it immune-enhancing and tonic properties. Research has indicated its usefulness as a supportive tool for a variety of chronic immune problems.

Beetrool: (Beta vulgaris) : An addition to the very specail class of anti-cancer vegetables, beetrool is able to improve the body cells' respiration(ie. oxygen utilization), hence may decrease the virulence of cancer cells. Especially beneficial for the health of the liver.

Bilberry: ( Vaccinium myrillus)- A European version of bluebery. Bilberry extract is rich in purple/nlue pigments beneficial for accelerating the regeneration rate of the visual system, reducing eye fatigue and strain. and improving light to dark adjustments.In Europe, bilberry extract is used to help increase microcirculation bt stimulating new capillary formation, strengthing capillary walls and increasing overall health of the circulatory system.

Black Cohosh: ( Cimicifuga racemosa)- Standardized extract of this herb has been used for relieving mild menopausal symptoms such as depression, hot flash, mood swings, insomnia and prouse sweating. It can be used alone, or with other herbs, or in conjuction with HRT( Hormone Replacement Therapy).

Butcher's Broom: ( Ruscus aculeatus) - In Europe, Butcher's broom extracts are used extensivesly both internally and externally to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It is also good for bladder and kidney health. Beneficial for managment of carpal tunnel syndome.

Cat's Claw: Uncaria Tomentosa)- This herb is also know as Una de Gota. Its clinical applications include use in gastritis, ulcers, cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, irregualrities of the female cycle and acne. Studies have determined that Cat's claw contains a wealth of phytochemicals which makes it a mental stabilizer, an immune regulator, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory agent.

Cascara Sagrada: ( Rhamnus purshiana)- The bark is used as a stimulant laxative, especially is cases of chronic constipation. The name "sagrada" refers to "scared bark" a nama given to it by early Spanish explorers in the Pacific Northwest. As an approved, safe abd effective laxative, cascara and cascara extracts are found in numerous over the counter laxative perparations.

Capsium (Cayenne, hot pepper) (capsium Species)- Internally, cayenne acts as  a circulatory stimulant, induces perspirations. and is used to stimulate digestion. Serveal OTC products for externa; use is arthritic and rheumatoid conditions contains capsaicin, the hot principle in the oil of capsicum, as the active pain relieving ingredient. Tropical capsaicin perparations are also used for the relief of pain associated with herpes zoster(shingles).

Celery:( Apium graveoleus)- Celery has a calming effect on the digestive system, relieving gas and indigestion. It is also reputed to be useful against rheumatism and gout. Celery juice and exract of celery seeds are excellent diuretics.

Chamomile: (Matricaria recutita). Used internally, chamomile flowers are antispasmodic and used to relieve digestive upset. A popular remedy for indigestion, flatulence, gastrointestinal spasms, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Often used as a bedtime beverage because of its mild sadative effect. Externally, chamomile extracts are useful for inflammation of skin and muccous membrances.

Carnberry: (Vaccinium macrocarpon)- Cranberry helps to prevent urinary tract infections caused by E. Coli bacteria, particular in people with history of recurrent infections. An excellent example of how common food can have health benefits beyond their nutritional qualities.

Dandelion: (Taraxacum officinala)- The youn leaves are widely used as salad greens and in tea as natual diuretic. The roots are mild laxative and promotoe bile and liver function.

Dong Quai( Also spelled Tang Kwei or Danggui)(Angelica sinensis)- one of the most widely used herbs in tradtional Chinese medicine, it is primarily used in herbal formulas as a "female tonic" to treat muscle cramps and pain before menstrual periods.  Dong quai should not be used during pregnancy and menstruation period.

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