Saturday, November 21, 2009


ground cumin - This pungnent, earthy, highly aromatic spice is commonly used as a seasonsings, just like salt and pepper.

ground cinnamon - Cinnamon sticks are ground to a fine powder. It has a distincity sweet and warm fragrance.

Ground Turmeric- This essential ingredient has earthy and musky characteristics which complement other more pungent spices.

Mint- Refreshing and sweet smelling, mint is widely used in North African cooking, most notably in mint tea, a welcoming drink.

Coriander- Also called cilantro or chinese parsley, coriander has a fresh , lemon-y aroma which gives dishes a distinctive flavour.

Sweet Paprika- A dark, red, fine textured spice with a sweet, smoky aroma and a mild flavour. It is used extensively in savoury dishes.

Preserved lemons- Salted lemons are bottles in oil or brine for weeks or months. To use, rinse wll, discard flesh and slice the rind.

Saffron - One of the most expensive spices. It has unique flavour abd brillant color when mixed with liquid.

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