Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fried Spicy sliced pork (椒盐肉片)

Lean meat 300g
chopped spring onion 1 stalk
red chili 1 pc
minced garlic 2 cloves

Salt 1tsp
sugar 11/2 tsp
pepper 1/2 tsp
MSG 1/4tsp
Hua Diao Wine 2tsp
Tapioca Flour 1 tsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp

Cinnamon powder 1/4tsp
salt 1tsp
sugar 1tsp
pepper 1/2 tsp
SzeChuan Pepper Powder 1/4 tsp

Rinse SezChuan Pepper. Fry it over low heat till frangant and dry. Pound it till powdery. Slice Lean meat. Hammer it with back of knife, cut in halves. Mix lean with Marinade and set aside for 30mins.
Heat oil, fry both sid of lean eat till golden brown. Dish out.

Heat oil, fry garlic, chopped spring onion and chili till fragrant. Add in fried lean meat and stir evenly. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of premixed seasonings and quick fry all ingredients. Dish out.

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