Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Food ID- Hard Cheeses

Edam - This Ball- shaped firm cheese from Holland is coated with red wax. Made from partially skimmed cow's milk, its buttery taste goes well with crackers.

Gruyere- Excellent melting cheese for fondues and gratin, this has small holes, a dense texture and slightly grainy. It has a sweet but nutty taste.

Pecorino - When fully matured, this Italian cheese is often grated onto pizzas and pasta, and has a nuttier, sharper and saltier taste than Parmesan.

Mimolette - This French cheese is similar to Parmesan and is made from cow's milk. Scramble it with eggs to bring out its mellow nutty flavour.

Gouda- This wheel shaped cheese is sharp and sweet. As it matures, the taste gets stronger and more complex Goes well with fruit, bread and wine.

Emmental- This Swiss Cheese has ramdom holes and a mild, nutty and fruity flavour. It is prefec for melting and commonly used in fondues.

Parmesan - Made from unpasteurised skimmed cow's milk, this is distinctively pungent and salty. It's normally grated onto salad, pastas and pizzas.

Comte- This traditional  French cheese, made from cow's milk, has a aromatic nutty and mildly sweet flavours. Use in salads and melted over a burger.

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