Monday, December 7, 2009

Meat free stock

Meat-Free stock

I had read an article before. It was saying that some people don't eat beef, mutton or lamb because they are too cute to be eaten. Yes, I am one of them. I do not eat beef, lamb or mutton. So it would be difficult to see these recipe in my blog. But i still cook for my hubby. He likes mutton especially Rendang Mutton. I will keep that for future. Cos now i have just tried a meat free stock for those vegetarian. Sometimes, i cook noodle just with the meat free stock and add some vegetables.There are so many version of this stocks. There's no fix rules. Just put whatever u have in your kitchen.Have fun!

Vegetarian Stocks
2-3 bulb of onion- i like onion so usually i use 3-4. - peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 Carrot - diced
1/2 Radish- diced
1/2 Chinese cabbage - roughly chopped
10 stalks of dried mushroom- washed and soaked. Retain the soaked water.Retain the mushroom stalks
Celery - 1-2 stalks - diced
Water 2 litres
Sesame oil
White pepper and salt to taste

Pour a little olive oil n pot. Throw in the onion, Sauteed it till light golden brown. Add in carrot, celery, radish,mushrom,mushroom stalks, chinese cabbage then water and the water that you used to soak mushrooms. Wait till it start to boil, put in the chinese cabbage. Turn down the flame when it start boiling. Stimmer for 15- 20 mins. Sieve and discard the vegetables.

You may taste and add the salt and pepper to taste. I usually have the sesame after i cooked with the noodle.

You can opt out the olive oil and put all ingredient except for salt, pepper and sesame oil for a healthier version.

Something for cough.

Well, I hear coughing here and there, especially my bro-in-law was also coughing and was bad. So i did a quick research and found this simple recipe which is meant for "Cooling' and stop cough.

North Apricot  南杏 26 gm
South Apricot  北杏 - 11 gm
Preserved Sweet mandarin 桔饼 - 1 pcs
Firtillary 川贝母-  8 gm
Dried Lily 百合- 19gm

Wash all ingredients and put in a pot. Pour 2-3 bowl of water. Cook with mid-high flame. Turn to low flame when it started to boil. Cook till left with 3/4 bowl of water.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Dinner tonight- 6th Dec 2009

Ok, Another lazy dinner. I guess alot of people would be feeling the same- Monday blue kinda mood.
So I cooked simple, ate and quickly log online and TV, etc..

Menu: Sliced fish Bee Hoon Soup- meals in 10 mins- quick and easy.


Sliced fish- I used Red Snapper- Sliced and bought from Supermarket
Some garlic- Minced
Sliced Fishcake - 1 pcs
Chye Sim - few stalks
salt n pepper to taste
1 packet seasoning powder- I keep the CP's wantons seasoning powder

Soak Bee Hoon in water to soften it. Heat a wok and sauteed the garlic till golden brown. Add in Fish cake, stir and pour in stock or plain water. Add in bee Hoon when it start to boil. Throw in sliced fish. And add seasoning powder if you are not using stock. Add in vegetables, salt and pepper to taste.

You can sprinkle some spring onion before eating.

There are many ways to cook Bee Hoon, Noodle and rice. Just add and remove some ingredients. You may also want to add in carrot, even Dumpling.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dinner tonight....for lazy cooker and min. washing..

OK...I admit Im a lazy person. I don't really like to cook and clear up, wash up when it is my working day. But somehow sometimes, i don't wish to eat out. And when we cook, we are going to cook health. So i have this so call " one pot cooking". It sound crazy and it almost impossible right. Well, i have this own way cooking for my dinner and it is kind of healthy, light and tasty. Please remember to use Tuna chunks in Olive oil.

It's ..hmm.... i call it One pot Seafood Spaghetti.. Haha..

Here's the ingredient i used:

  • Angel hair Spaghetti one handful
  • Crab meat-frozen - few pcs
  • Sweet Corn- frozen - 2-3 tsp
  • onion - one chopped
  • Tuna In Olive oil - 1/2 can

Cook spaghetti as indicated. When it is almost cook, throw in crab meat and wait for 2-3 mins and throw in sweet corn. Once boiled and pour thru the sieve with onion in it. The hot water will flush away the pungunt smell of the onion yet retain the good properties of onion.  Drain all water. Dish up and pour in the Tuna with olive. Add some salt( usually i skip) and black pepper. Toss and enjoy!

This meal is easy as ABC and we have a pot, a sieve, a plate, a fork n spoon to wash.
Have fun! There's more to come.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spinach, Tofu and salmon chick soup

Chicken Stock- 2 litres
Chinese Spinach- 1cups chopped
Salmon fillet diced- 120gm
Bacon  1 rasher
Silken Tofu 1 pcs
Cornstarch water 1 1/2 tbsp
Egg Whites 2 pcs
Chicken Stock Powder 1 tsp
Salt  and pepper to taste

Boil Stock with Bacon and simmer for 10 mins, add in spinach and boil for 1 mins. Remove spinach, put into blender with 2-3 ladleful of stock. Blender to until smooth, then pour back to pot. Add tofu and salmon, boil for 3 mins. Add stock powder, salt, pepper and cornflour mixture. Boil and simmer till soup has thicken slightly. Turn off the heat. Pour in the egg white slowly to make the white" flowery" in the soup. Don't worry, the heat of the soup will cooked the whites.

NB: YOu can replace salmon with chicken, other types of fish and seafood. If you don't like tofu, you can skip and you may want to replace it with croutons when serving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Food ID- Hard Cheeses

Edam - This Ball- shaped firm cheese from Holland is coated with red wax. Made from partially skimmed cow's milk, its buttery taste goes well with crackers.

Gruyere- Excellent melting cheese for fondues and gratin, this has small holes, a dense texture and slightly grainy. It has a sweet but nutty taste.

Pecorino - When fully matured, this Italian cheese is often grated onto pizzas and pasta, and has a nuttier, sharper and saltier taste than Parmesan.

Mimolette - This French cheese is similar to Parmesan and is made from cow's milk. Scramble it with eggs to bring out its mellow nutty flavour.

Gouda- This wheel shaped cheese is sharp and sweet. As it matures, the taste gets stronger and more complex Goes well with fruit, bread and wine.

Emmental- This Swiss Cheese has ramdom holes and a mild, nutty and fruity flavour. It is prefec for melting and commonly used in fondues.

Parmesan - Made from unpasteurised skimmed cow's milk, this is distinctively pungent and salty. It's normally grated onto salad, pastas and pizzas.

Comte- This traditional  French cheese, made from cow's milk, has a aromatic nutty and mildly sweet flavours. Use in salads and melted over a burger.

Food ID - Preserves

Cranberry Sauce- Made of crushed cranberries, serve this sauce with cold meats, savoury dishes and Christmas food like roast turkey and chicken.

Maraschino cherries- harvested fresh, they are macerated(softened in sweet syrup) dyed red, then preserved and used as garnish for desserts.

Minced Meat - A mixture of dried apple, pears, sugar, fat, spices, nuts, and brandy or rum, minced meat pies and tarts are popular during the holidays.

Fig Preserve- Made from mashed figs and sugar(used for preserving fruit), it makes a delicious spread on warm toast, crumpets or muffins.

Marmalade - A popular breakfast spread made from citus fruits like bitter Seville oranges, this contains fruit peels for added texture and taste.

Blueberry Preserve - Consisting blueberries, sugar, corn syrup adnwater, this is popular accompaniment to toast, muffins and biscuits.

Mint jelly - This clear jelly has a sweet tangy flavour which complements a variety of meats. It is usually served with roast lamb or vension.

Raspberry Preserve - preserved in sugar or syrup, fruit pectin and citric acid, spread on toast or use this to fill sponge cakes and pastries.

Hand roll foods

Rice paper wrapped with Green applea, mango, pomelo and prawn

Rice paper 2 pcs
Local lettuce 5 gm - washed
Green apple shredded - soak in ice water.
Thai Tang Hoon( glass noodle) 30gm - blanch and set aside
Pomelo - 30gm - peeled into pieces
Mango - Sliced
Tiger prawn 4 pcs
Hot Basil leaves 3 gm - cut into strips
Thai Chilli 35gm
Mango Chutney Sauce 25gm

 Blanch Prawn in boiling water for 5 mins, cool in ice water for 10mins. remove shell and set aside.Soak rice paper for a few mins to soften.
Place all ingredients onto rice paper. Roll up and cut. Served with Thai Chili Suace and mango chutney Sauce.

Chapatti wrapped With chicken and yoghurt sauce

Chapatti Bread 1 pcs
Boneless chicken 100 gm

Crushed black pepper 3 gm
Chili powder - 5 gm
Cumin Powder - 5 gm
Coriander powder- 5 gm
Meat Curry Powder - 5 gm
Salt to taste
Sugar 10gm
garlic chopped -10gm
Chicken Powder- 3 gm

Yoghurt Masala Sauce
Plain Yoghurt 100gm
Masala Powder 10gm
Salt to taste
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Chili powder- 8hm

Vegetables Salsa
Cucumber cube 15gm
tomato cube - 15gm
Onion cube 15gm
Mint leaves - 2 pcs
salt to taste
sugar 1/2 tsp
Herb Vinegar -1/2 tsp

Wash and sliced chicken into strips, Marinate with Seasonings for 1 hrs.
Heat Pan with oil, stir fry chicken with chopped garlice at low heat till it turns golden brown.
Lightly pan fry chapatti. Top with Chicken meat, roll and cut into halves.
Prepare vegetables salsa and yoghurt masala sauce, ready to serve/

Note: You can use the leftover chicken chop, pork chop or even fish fillet for different taste. Just need to adjust the seasonings.


Herbs- Spice cures

Herbs- The remedies mother earth supply.....

- natural remedies when you have no medicine for resue. Sometimes, home remedies work better and safer than to take any other type of medicine.
If the symptoms worse, please seek medication attention. This serve as information not a replacement for doctor's advise.

Basil leaves - Eases menstrual cramp and muscle spasms
- Pour half cup hot water over two teaspoons dried basil, steep for 15 mins, then strain and drink.
Peppermints - Stress Cures - if you are the sort who gets worked up during that early morning commute to work, sniff on this. In a NASA-funded study, scientist found that the scent of peppermint or cinnamon can ease your agony. They monitored the emotional responses of 25 people during various simulated driving scenarios and found that peppermint lowered anxiety by 20 %, while cinnamon decreased frustration by 25% as well as increase alertness by 30%.

Cinnamon - Heal Cut - Sprinkle some powder on small cut after they've washed thoroughly.

Garlic - Wards off coughs and colds - Cut raw cloves into small pieces and swallow them like pills.

Ginger - Soothes migraines - At the first signs of a migraine, drop four slices into one cup of boiling warer, let it steep for 10 mins, then drink. Can be taken up to three times daily.

Sage - Soothes sore throats - Steep two teaspoon dried saga in one cup of boiling water, then gargle and rinse.

Turmeric - Stops food poisoning-  Stir one teasspoon turmeric powder into one cup hot water and drink.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

East meet west Cuisine

5 spices lamb rack

Ingredient : Lamb rack 2 pcs appro. 70gm
                   Light Soya sauce 2 tsp
                   Dark Soya sacue - 1 tbsp
                   Sugar - 1 tbsp
                   Five spices - adequate
                   Nan Ru( Soya Bean Paste) - 1/4 tsp
                   Water - 2tbsp
                   Broccoli - Few flowers
                   Baby carrot - few

Methods - Mixed all seasonings and rub all over the lamb rack. Marinate it at least 3-4 hrs( usually I marinate it overnight. I usually used zip-lock, it is easily and less messy and u can just turn it around so to even of the marinated lamb rack.)

Heat up the pan and pan-grilled the lamb rack till it is lightly browned. You may want to bake it till it is cooked for another 3- 4 mins. If not, pan- grilled it for another 4-5 mins till it is cooked.

Retain the mariante, boil it and add some corn starch water to thicken it.

Scalded the vegetables in boiling water with some oil and salt. The salt and oil will helps the vegetables retains their color.

Serve with vegetables , cooke lamb rack and the sauce.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


ground cumin - This pungnent, earthy, highly aromatic spice is commonly used as a seasonsings, just like salt and pepper.

ground cinnamon - Cinnamon sticks are ground to a fine powder. It has a distincity sweet and warm fragrance.

Ground Turmeric- This essential ingredient has earthy and musky characteristics which complement other more pungent spices.

Mint- Refreshing and sweet smelling, mint is widely used in North African cooking, most notably in mint tea, a welcoming drink.

Coriander- Also called cilantro or chinese parsley, coriander has a fresh , lemon-y aroma which gives dishes a distinctive flavour.

Sweet Paprika- A dark, red, fine textured spice with a sweet, smoky aroma and a mild flavour. It is used extensively in savoury dishes.

Preserved lemons- Salted lemons are bottles in oil or brine for weeks or months. To use, rinse wll, discard flesh and slice the rind.

Saffron - One of the most expensive spices. It has unique flavour abd brillant color when mixed with liquid.

Herbs and plants 1

Alfafa: (Medicago Sativa)- Alfafa is a good laxative and natural diuretic. It is often used to reduce urinary tract infections and promoto lowel movement. Reputed to be an excellent appetite stimulant and overall tonic.

Aloe Vera: ( Aloe ferox,A.barbadensis)- Internally, concentrated Aloe ferox resin is ised as a laxaive. Externally, the clear gel drom the A.Barbadensis leaf, is used to treat burns, abrasions, skin injures, and in cosmetic products and drinks.

Astragalus: (Astragalus membranaccous)- Used in traditional Chinese and Esat Indian medicine for it immune-enhancing and tonic properties. Research has indicated its usefulness as a supportive tool for a variety of chronic immune problems.

Beetrool: (Beta vulgaris) : An addition to the very specail class of anti-cancer vegetables, beetrool is able to improve the body cells' respiration(ie. oxygen utilization), hence may decrease the virulence of cancer cells. Especially beneficial for the health of the liver.

Bilberry: ( Vaccinium myrillus)- A European version of bluebery. Bilberry extract is rich in purple/nlue pigments beneficial for accelerating the regeneration rate of the visual system, reducing eye fatigue and strain. and improving light to dark adjustments.In Europe, bilberry extract is used to help increase microcirculation bt stimulating new capillary formation, strengthing capillary walls and increasing overall health of the circulatory system.

Black Cohosh: ( Cimicifuga racemosa)- Standardized extract of this herb has been used for relieving mild menopausal symptoms such as depression, hot flash, mood swings, insomnia and prouse sweating. It can be used alone, or with other herbs, or in conjuction with HRT( Hormone Replacement Therapy).

Butcher's Broom: ( Ruscus aculeatus) - In Europe, Butcher's broom extracts are used extensivesly both internally and externally to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It is also good for bladder and kidney health. Beneficial for managment of carpal tunnel syndome.

Cat's Claw: Uncaria Tomentosa)- This herb is also know as Una de Gota. Its clinical applications include use in gastritis, ulcers, cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, irregualrities of the female cycle and acne. Studies have determined that Cat's claw contains a wealth of phytochemicals which makes it a mental stabilizer, an immune regulator, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory agent.

Cascara Sagrada: ( Rhamnus purshiana)- The bark is used as a stimulant laxative, especially is cases of chronic constipation. The name "sagrada" refers to "scared bark" a nama given to it by early Spanish explorers in the Pacific Northwest. As an approved, safe abd effective laxative, cascara and cascara extracts are found in numerous over the counter laxative perparations.

Capsium (Cayenne, hot pepper) (capsium Species)- Internally, cayenne acts as  a circulatory stimulant, induces perspirations. and is used to stimulate digestion. Serveal OTC products for externa; use is arthritic and rheumatoid conditions contains capsaicin, the hot principle in the oil of capsicum, as the active pain relieving ingredient. Tropical capsaicin perparations are also used for the relief of pain associated with herpes zoster(shingles).

Celery:( Apium graveoleus)- Celery has a calming effect on the digestive system, relieving gas and indigestion. It is also reputed to be useful against rheumatism and gout. Celery juice and exract of celery seeds are excellent diuretics.

Chamomile: (Matricaria recutita). Used internally, chamomile flowers are antispasmodic and used to relieve digestive upset. A popular remedy for indigestion, flatulence, gastrointestinal spasms, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Often used as a bedtime beverage because of its mild sadative effect. Externally, chamomile extracts are useful for inflammation of skin and muccous membrances.

Carnberry: (Vaccinium macrocarpon)- Cranberry helps to prevent urinary tract infections caused by E. Coli bacteria, particular in people with history of recurrent infections. An excellent example of how common food can have health benefits beyond their nutritional qualities.

Dandelion: (Taraxacum officinala)- The youn leaves are widely used as salad greens and in tea as natual diuretic. The roots are mild laxative and promotoe bile and liver function.

Dong Quai( Also spelled Tang Kwei or Danggui)(Angelica sinensis)- one of the most widely used herbs in tradtional Chinese medicine, it is primarily used in herbal formulas as a "female tonic" to treat muscle cramps and pain before menstrual periods.  Dong quai should not be used during pregnancy and menstruation period.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Photo of my food pt2

Grilled Chicken Burger with Wasabi Mayo

Beef Ramen - Soup Version

Beef Ramen- Dry Version

Photos of my food

Black Pepper Seafood Spaghetti

Seafood Spaghetti with Tomato Puree

Miso Scallop Pasta

Meal in 10 mins

4 pcs Half Shell Scallop with Roe - Washed and cleaned
20 ml Sweet miso paste
100g Cooking cream
Some shredded Seaweed
130g capellini pasta or pasta of your choice

1. Season Scallops with salt n peper. Seared scallops on pan till brown.
2. In another pan, cook cream with miso paste. Add in cooked pasta and toss.
3. Set plate and arrange scallops on the plate.

Note: U can use prawn, chicken or fish fillet instead of scallop. Same steps just abit more time for cooking chicken and fillet. if it is thick.

Hock Chew Steamed Sliced Fish

Grouper Sliced 300g
Shallots oil adequate
salt to taste

Plum sauce 2 tbso
lime juice 2tbsp
sugar 22tbsp
salt 1/2 tsp
minced garlic 2 cloves
chilli padi 1 pc


Mix Seasonings, bring to boil. Set aside.
Season sliced fish with shallots oil and salt, steam over high heat for 3-5 mins.
Pour boiled Seasonings onto sliced fish. Serve.

Hakka Meat Balls

Ingredients: Minced Pork Cheek 150g
Mackerel meat 300g
dried squid 15g ( chopped, fry without oil)

Seasonings A
Salt 1/2 tsp
Soda Bicarbonate 1/4 tsp
sugar tsp
MSG 1/4 tsp
pepper tsp
sesame oil 1tsp

Seasonings B(mixed)
Tapioca flour 2 tbsp
water 3 tbsp

Blend mackerel meat with mixer or press with knife to form a paste. Add in salt and soda, blend with mixer till fish paste turns smooth and sticky. Pour in seasonings B, continue blending till fish paste turns smooth and sticky.
Combine minced pork and fish paste, add in dried squid sugar, MSG, pepper and sesame oil. Mix evenly.

Make small balls with hand and spoon out. Put into boiling water, cook over low heat for 10mins or till meat balls float up.

Fried Spicy sliced pork (椒盐肉片)

Lean meat 300g
chopped spring onion 1 stalk
red chili 1 pc
minced garlic 2 cloves

Salt 1tsp
sugar 11/2 tsp
pepper 1/2 tsp
MSG 1/4tsp
Hua Diao Wine 2tsp
Tapioca Flour 1 tsp
Sesame oil 1 tsp

Cinnamon powder 1/4tsp
salt 1tsp
sugar 1tsp
pepper 1/2 tsp
SzeChuan Pepper Powder 1/4 tsp

Rinse SezChuan Pepper. Fry it over low heat till frangant and dry. Pound it till powdery. Slice Lean meat. Hammer it with back of knife, cut in halves. Mix lean with Marinade and set aside for 30mins.
Heat oil, fry both sid of lean eat till golden brown. Dish out.

Heat oil, fry garlic, chopped spring onion and chili till fragrant. Add in fried lean meat and stir evenly. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of premixed seasonings and quick fry all ingredients. Dish out.




赤豆-性平味甘酸。有滋补强壮, 健脾养胃。利水除湿,清热解毒和补血等功能。




Wednesday, November 18, 2009


~ ~ 等我掉了泪,我恍然才明白,

                 雨后的彩虹有泪水的晶莹。~ ~

~ ~ 一笑万古卷, 一啼万古愁,
    ~ ~ 此境非你莫属,此貌非你莫有。~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ 一切快乐, 没有比祥和更快乐。
                   一切享受,没有比宁静更为享受。~ ~ ~

Word of wisdom

~ ~ 静时养气,动时养神~ ~

** 静的时候练气,能磨练我们的气质与品德。**
** 动的时候,则要统一精神将心念摄为一。**

~ ~ 感恩的心~ ~
** 不在天涯,不在海角,无需刻意追寻,

~ ~ 勇者- 有义的勇敢“约制”, 才有君子之勇。
~ ~ ~ 有德有义的人,才能做到真正的勇者。 ~ ~ ~


材料:山药50克, 花生仁50克,白米10克, 生姜8克,茺5克, 盐5克



2。取瓦煲1个,注入适量清水,烧开后加入大米,花生,生姜,煲30 分钟, 加入上药,调入盐。用小火再煲10分钟,盛出,撒上茺花。


The blog of mine

Im so glad that i have created a blog for myself. Well, im sorry to say: i shall "dump" all my memory here. This blog is gonna be my note book of one such, my part of my memory, part of my life too. I had too much paper notes and menu and i need to key into one so i can easy 'file' them and 'easy' to sort out. Guess this is gonna be a good idea! And i guess it would be nice to share around.

Well, any vistors, thank you for visiting. Some of the posting mayb not be related to food. I mayb also post information about health, beauty and other health information. I, myself, is a Certified Therapist by ITEC from UK. I'm also trained in Swedish Massage and Aromatherapy. I read alot and makes alot of notes on paper and i have problem referring back. :( hence the birth of this blog and best of all~ it's free. LOL..

Good day!